Article By Colleen Vanderlinden
From The Spruce
Once you've had a delicious, flavorful tomato from your garden, it's hard to go back to supermarket tomatoes once the season is over. And if you live in an area that gets below freezing in the winter, you may believe you don't have any other choice.
The good news is: you can try growing a tomato plant indoors, all year long.
With good artificial lighting or a bright enough window, you can grow tomatoes indoors, even in the wintertime. While certain vegetables require insects or wind for pollination, tomatoes pollinate themselves easily without any help from either the bees or the gardener. Once you've gotten used to the flavor of freshly picked, homegrown tomatoes, it's hard to give it up for the flavorless fruits at the grocery store. If you grow your own, you can have perfect tomatoes, even in the middle of winter.
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