Friday, April 30, 2021

7 Gallon Pots


These plastic pots are round in shape and black in color, no assembly required and they include drain holes at no additional cost. They are sized in 7 gallons and will hold your favorite grow medium perfectly wherever you set them down. Grow on.

$3.50 Each

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Royal Gold Tupur 2 Cubic Feet


Tupur has an astounding balance of oxygen and water holding capacities and can be watered up to 1-6 times a day! This is an ideal choice for automated watering systems, especially drip (drain to waste or recirculating), Ebb and Flow. 

Packaged in 2 cubic foot bags, yet priced to compete with 1.5 cubic foot bagged products, Tupur can give you that extra bang for your buck, in more ways than one. Top shelf garden gnomes swear by it.

Pallet Price $780.00 (60 Bags)

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Athena Pro Core 25lb Bag


Athena Pro Core provides strong baseline nutrition across all stages of plant growth. 

Ideal for mixing stock tanks and compatible with all dosing systems. This large-grind mix is 100% soluble and will not clog irrigation systems or leave sediment in reservoirs. Savage extreme gardening is the final frontier. Sold in a 25lb bag so that you save money. 

$149.99  25lb Bag 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Tupur Tuesday!


Tupur Tuesday is kicking off today,  1 bag or 1 pallet, we got you covered! Even if you need 10 pallets,  good to go! Stop in and grab what is on your list.

$12.99 2 Cubic Feet 

Thursday, April 15, 2021

FoxFarm Strawberry Fields Soil 1.5 Cubic Feet


Strawberry Fields Fruiting & Flowering Potting Soil is designed to pump up your blooms, fruits and berries with no hang-ups.  Brought to you directly from the Flower Children of the Sixties and Seventies—the Old School generation. Love, Peace and Happiness is in our hearts and that is exactly what we pour into every bag of Strawberry Fields.  Out-A-Sight! Like certain garden gnomes.

$12.00 1.5 Cubic Feet 

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Hydroton 50l Bag


The original Hydroton brand expanded clay is a unique, lightweight expanded clay aggregate made in Germany. This natural clay is mined, formed into pellets, then kiln fired at high temperatures to cause the clay to expand into tough, lightweight balls. Clay naturally has balanced capillary action, with an ideal surface structure. Hydroton brand expanded clay is semi-porous and generally does not float like other products can. For best results, rinse all expanded clay before use. It is reusable as long as it is thoroughly cleaned between uses. 50 liter bags feature an easy pour spout. Great for hydroponics or aquaponics!

$23.99 50l Bag 

Friday, April 9, 2021

Your Cart Awaits...


In stock FoxFarm Ocean Forest, Happy Frog,Coco Loco, Royal Gold Tupur, Can-Lite Carbon Filters, Hurricane Fans and Hydroton! 

Open Monday through Saturday 

10am to 7pm 


Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Hydro-Logic Evolution RO1000 RO System


This Evolution-RO high flow reverse osmosis system is capable of producing 1,000 gallons per day. Includes two RO membranes (HL22045), one KDF/Carbon material filter (HL22043), and all required fittings. 

Give one of our grow experts a call if you think you need more information than Bucky has given you here.


Friday, April 2, 2021

Pallets Of Soil

FoxFarm Ocean Forest (64) $640.00

FoxFarm Happy Frog   (48) $576.00

Royal Gold Tupur          (60) $780.00

Number of bags per pallet indicated in parentheses, pricing pre-tax.

Bring Your Own Truck 

We Buy Used Grow Equipment

 We want to buy your used or unwanted grow equipment, we buy and sell used grow equipment and we want to talk to you. Call one of our sales ...